Silk Data Sp. z oo is helping companies to harness the full potential of machine learning and Al and proposes digital products using advanced Al-based technology focused on human language understanding.
Since our company has started an expansion at international markets we faced a problem in hiring professional developers to our team at different locations.
We are a product company that has pretty high criteria for selecting specialists and specific requirements for candidates. Accordingly, we put forward the appropriate tasks for an external recruiting company to pay attention to the presence of necessary soft and hard skills by suitable candidates, analyze the level of their education and business experience, as well as motivation to work with our team.
PersonalInvest OÜ has helped me and our company a lot in terms of finding candidates at Al- and ML domains to fill up our empty positions at EU markets.
Furthermore, PersonalInvest OÜ team understands the individual needs and strives to provide reliable solutions. They always communicate promptly when updates or changes need to be made.
I can confidently recommend PersonalInvest OÜ team to you for meeting your crucial recruitment needs.